Saturday, 31 October 2009

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

print me up baby,

hey lovelies, 

so, because i've had a couple of requests from people about some of my works in exIBit, i'm getting two works printed on postcard sized cards, about 20 each, which is pretty damn exciting :DD

So Long As I Get Somewhere...

40 x 54.2 cm
Giclee Print: digital painting (with Wacom Tablet) on smooth cotton

description (didactic): This is perhaps the digital work I’m most happy with. I was able to combine my drawing skill with my knowledge of Photoshop. The text is drawn from the song Runaway by The Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs from the most recent album It’s Blitz. I felt the lyrics were appropriate to the “Alice” theme because they evoke a sense of isolation, escapism and entrapment that is also explored in the story. I wanted the “Alice” character to appear trapped and isolated, using elements of Art Nouveau and her hair to achieve that.

Breathing Black/Breath in Black

29.5 x 28.1 cms
graphite, ink + finepoint pen on Saunders watercolour paper

(description is in the post 'the mad-header')

if you would like a copy/copies let me know, 
though i must levy a fee (haha) to cover the costs of printing, but it shouldn't be too much.


Monday, 26 October 2009


guess who got their learners license..?


it took me a year of laziness and two tests, but i got it!

and i got to go driving after too :DD

the first time i took the test i got 9/10 and 15/20 - a pass is 9/10 and 18/20. but the second time i took the test i got everything right!!!!

too bad it wasn't the maths exam :(

10 days left till IB maths paper one



Sunday, 25 October 2009

valley fiesta '09,

on saturday nicki and i went to the valley fiesta after the english tutorial. we got there at 2pm, we got some gifts for marley's birthday as it was her birthday party that night, not that we left it to the last minute or anything haha. we ran into james and sophie, which was quite lovely. nicki left later after that and then soph and james walked me home. 

it was a lovely afternoon in the valley :)

(courtesy of sophie richards -

i love this town
thanks for walking me home guys :) 
(even though soph really needed to pee)